Outlet arrangements Calgary

Electrical outlet arrangement

How many times have you wished you could move your refrigerator to the other side of the kitchen but you couldn't because you didn't have an electrical outlet there or Read more...

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Breaker box upgrade

Repair Your Breaker Box

There is a reason that you might be interested in as to why for many years now, we have provided breaker box installation services. And, yes, our electricians are trained Read more...

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Where to find a licensed Professional Electrical Contractor in Alberta

There are many reasons why you might need an electrician.  Some of you are doing a renovation and would like to hire your own electrician.  Some of you may want Read more...

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Planning for Electrical in a Renovation

So, you are planning to do a renovation.  One of the shows on a home improvement show inspired you to change your kitchen.   What a great idea!  New cabinets and Read more...

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Electrical In Kitchen

Basic Electrical Safety

Basic Electrical SafetyElectricity is all around us and makes our lives easier. Electricity can also harm us if we aren’t careful around it. The current in homes and businesses is Read more...

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Review Your Inspection Report!

90% of the homes I have gone into have had at least one or more fire safety or electrical code violations. When was the last time you reviewed your home Read more...

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